Monday, February 23, 2009


She didn't care so much anymore about the snow that struggled its way into her weary eyes.
They'd been walking this path for days and days, now driven only by a hope that some new landscape would emerge from the monotonous bricks of white and blue.
Shades of white, shades of blue. Endlessly in repeat.
And the light.
Even though the days were short, she’d never seen such light.
Relentless, ruthless light.
This wasn't at all like the vision of the journey that she'd been presented with back in Lhasa, when the whole mission still lived a comfortable life as a wild idea inside the mind of Pi. The wild and wonderful but quite fragmented mind that she'd be more than happy to influence towards a more understandable nature, had she been in a position where she could do just that.
Pi would always do things like this to her, though. Or so it would seem. Maybe she just did them to herself?
She wondered if Maya-Shi, her most trusted friend back home, was right in accusing her of being deeply - and very unhealthily - in love with Pi. She'd been following him through thick and thin for the last fifteen months. Mostly thin.
Nothing but trouble seemed to be the reward of their efforts so far.
She'd put up her usual mask of convincing insecurity against her friend's accusations, and pleaded that it was for the cause - and only for the cause - that she was willing to put herself into these extreme and often very dangerous situations.
But she could see Maya-Shi found the excuse as transparent as she found it herself. The human mind is a puzzling self-defending mechanism at times, she concluded, just as she was interrupted by loud yelling from behind her.
Mungpuk's eyes looked like frozen drops of liquid crystal through the sweeps of the howling blizzard. He was rapidly moving his Eskimo lips with exaggerated animation.
"What now?" she thought, trying not to form any expression at all, as the thin layer of ice on her face would then crack, making her skin hurt like hell and add to the uncomfortable situation she was already in.
"Th.. Ro..s"
Bloody wind.
”The Rose is closing in on us. Drive your dogs. Set speed.”

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