Monday, October 26, 2009

Sleeping with the enemy

Njoro was sitting at the deep end of the cave on top of a reindeer skin.
The Savage had taken Mungpuk's body with him outside. She'd tried to insist that they should give him a worthy ceremony, but the Savage had dismissed her protests and just set off to dispose of the body some distance from the cave so it wouldn't attract any bears or tempt the dogs.
She had cried when he left, and when he told her there was no point in trying to set off on her own, as the storm would devour her and he would track her down with one of his devices, she barely listened but instead gave him a short, absent nod.
Maybe she should do just that. Set off. She would be sure to pass over to the Otherworld all too young, but it would leave him out here alone, and that would suit her well.
Still, when she came to think of it, he seemed to have already travelled all the way up here alone. He would probably just set off to hunt down the main party at the destination instead. Even if they had taken a separate route north from Lhasa there still was a risk that he would track them down and destroy the whole operation.
And a whole lot more.
She wondered where Pi was hiding. Maybe he was just waiting in a distance far enough from the cave so that neither her vision nor the Savage's devices could find him?
He might already be disarming the Savage this very minute, lying in ambush in the snow, grabbing him from underground as he walked by, struggling with the body of poor Mungpuk.
Yes. That was possible. And it would be quite a shock for that awful being.
But then again how could Pi have picked the exact spot where he would know the Savage would be passing by? After all, she was the Seer in this entourage.
Maybe Pi had just left her there? On her own. Trapped by a predator deep within the ice.
She almost felt sick at the thought.
Of course he would never...
She was blinded by the headlight coming through the cave entrance.
"That's that", the Savage said.
Njoro said nothing, and just looked down.
"It seems we'll have to spend the night together, there's no point trying to move on at this hour."
She still refused to respond.
"I guess I won't need to tie you up for the night as you haven’t already rushed off in some mysterious suicidal gesture while I was out? Kind of surprised me, as you people have so many incomprehensible ways. Incomprehensible to me, anyway."
Njoro stood still and hoped he would stop talking soon.
"Ah, pardon me. How indiscreet of me. We're not even introduced, and I'm babbling away like we were old friends. Mac here, pleased to meet you."
Njoro said nothing.
"I see. Let's not push it too far at our first date, then. You just keep your place in there, and I'll lay here out by the opening - in the more chilly parts. We're not savages, after all, are we?"
She wept quietly as he turned his headlight off.
"And! None of that witchcraft stuff while I'm asleep. You hear me?"

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