Monday, March 22, 2010


Sister Hida is repeatedly pushing one of the many buttons on the lower base of the machine, and she does, the Ancient letters are scrolling vertically across the flickering screen and disappearing out of the top end.
“So what do we make of it?” she asks, without turning around, eyes fixed on the screen.
“We’ve gone through the entire document, line by line”, a man standing behind her says. He is accompanied by another man and a woman, neither of whom say a word.
The man continues: “It has taken us a lot of time, and unprecedented efforts. Our sharpest researchers of the Ancient language have attacked this from every angle for weeks on end.”
“Yes?” Hida says, still scrolling the text up and down aimlessly.
“Well…” The man clearly has trouble getting to whatever point he initially had intended to get to. “There is a lot of information in there. A lot! That’s for sure. We have learned more about everyday Ancient life shortly before the Big Change than we have since the first Nobili diaries were found. And this is a personal view from a central point within Ancient culture. It is totally invaluable.”
Sister Hida turns around and looks directly at the man as she speaks: “And the most invaluable piece of information?”
Her firm look makes the man swallow an imaginary piece of shame, disappointment and bruised professional pride before he continues: “Well, I guess you mean to ask if we’ve found the description of the secret of the Scriptures of iX?”
“I guess I am”, Hida, who has returned to the scrolling of the text up and down, says faintly into the air.
The man clears his throat.
“Towards the end, the very end, there’s something about ‘falling from the sky’, which makes perfect sense, as if he actually foresees his own destiny before creating this scripture.”
“No doubt.” Hida says absently, loosing herself even more into the pointless scrolling.
“But then it continues with a passage describing ‘the importance of the symbols drawn on the seed of a tree’, and ‘barely escaping the raging Ape’. Then it goes on about ‘the appearing faces of demons and a man from the stars’, and from there on it just all gets even more incoherent. The words seem like they have been put there very hastily and in a disorderly fashion.”
“To be honest it doesn’t make much sense at all, at least not to us.”
Hida turns around and stares worryingly at the trio of observers. She can’t believe her own ears. After all their efforts, her expectations had been built up to a maximum.
She rises to her feet and raises both hands in the air with wide open eyes, as she asks the man presenting the bad news:
“Is there anything else we might have missed? Anything?”
The man pauses for a number of seconds.
"No, Sister Hida” he finally says. "There's nothing else of use in there. Nothing that we don't already know."

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