Thursday, April 1, 2010

Eric Arthur Blair

Eric Arthur Blair fights for his life in the cold water.
He clings to the underside of his boat, which is floating overturned in the middle of the much-feared Corryvrekan stream.
His son Richard clings to his father's arm, and is terrified.
Eric tries to look calmly back into the boy’s eyes, but knows that the frothing waters around them will swallow them both at any second and spit their dead bodies far out into the Atlantic sea.
The black cliffs at the shore surrounding the frightening maelstrom make the chances of reaching land and surviving this seem even more impossible.
He knows that he might just have to accept their fate.
But still, he feels that it would not be right.
He has important things to do.
Tasks to fulfill.
He cannot give in now - not so close to the goal.
Suddenly Richard loses his grip and goes under.
Eric dives after him, and somehow manages to get them both above water again.
And then, as if by magic, he is filled with the most profound feeling of peace.
And, as he lies there, in the middle of his own Nemesis, clinging on to his beloved son, he just knows that they’re going to make it.
It’s going to be alright.
He just knows.

I am Eric Arthur Blair.

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